Slurry pumps are mostly large in size and notoriously difficult when it comes to undertaking maintenance and repair.
It is a usually a time-consuming process, a task that requires more than one person, the use of lifting aids and one that poses the danger of possible injury to those undertaking the operation. The SlurryPro Sliding Base alleviates many of these issues.
The SlurryPro Sliding Base is an ideal solution for where space is limited and makes inspection and maintenance of a pump easier. It also makes for a safer working environment - this being confirmed in 2018 when SlurryPro manufacturerers, Atlantic Pumps were highly commended for the design at the MPA Health & Safety Awards. Furthermore, the Sliding Base reduces the repair time of a pump, keeping downtime to a minimum.
Case Study
CEMEX Angersetin Wharf near London are one of many clients who have benefitted from installing a SlurryPro Sliding Base.
Although the site has an impressive safety record, a Sliding Base was installed to reduce the risk of accidents on site. As the site strives for zero harm policy, the base reduces the amount of manual handling for CEMEX employees thus reducing the risk of accidents and MSDs.
Since its introduction at CEMEX Angerstein Wharf in mid-2017, the addition of the SlurryPro Sliding Base - used in conjunction with their Warman 6x4 slurry pump, has been a revelation.
In the case of CEMEX Angerstein Wharf, the mains water pump used to take one day to strip replace and rebuild. The process contained high risk manual handling of the heavy pump casing and a full day’s downtime.
Using the SlurryPro Sliding Base instead of a fixed base has eliminated high risk manual handling and reduced downtime by 50%. This reduction in downtime is due to only having to unbolt the four casing bolts to slide the wet end and motor apart to expose wear parts.
The suction pipe doesn’t need to be removed and replaced and the pump casings stay connected to the frame eliminating high risk manual handling and therefore reducing the risk of hand injuries.
A lot of health and safety products mean more expense for a site, however the SlurryPro Sliding Base is a health and safety feature that also optimises production, with considerable savings. By reducing the downtime by half, the plant can produce nearly £30,000 more of saleable material.