Dirty water pumps are a vital onsite asset and are typically found in quarries, industrial dewatering and on construction sites.
Specialist dirt water pumps can often appear more expensive than standard water pumps, and may not always be as efficient. However, it is important to look at the lifetime costs of the pump, as the dirty water will quickly cause the parts of a water pump to erode and the pump can quickly fail.
Dirty water pumps often feature heavy-duty mechanical seals, vortex impellers, replaceable wear plates and agitators. In addition they are easier to maintain with easy access to parts. This means they last much longer, cost less to maintain, and more importantly you don’t lose vital production time while your pump is out if action.
For pumping dirty water, we recommend the Audex range. The Audex AW range are submersible pumps with agitators ideal for handling dirty water and slurry. Reliable, industry-proven and affordable, these pumps offer exceptional service life with minimum running costs and repairs.