Assured Cementitious Water Disposal Compliance at West Yorkshire RMX Site
EnviroHub strengthens environmental and litigation protection for a ready-mix (RMX) concrete batching plant.
EnviroHub’s pH correction system, coupled with Senteos discharge data collection software, resolved a point of confusion between a water company and the site operator.
This ready-mix cement and concrete batching plant holds a discharge consent which allows them to dispose of site wastewater into the drain – on strict conditions, including control of temperature, pH, and TSS (total suspended solids) remaining within set limits.
Like many cement and concrete batching plants, this site collects all run-off water (rainfall, washout, and spillages) in wedge pits. These are an energy-efficient form of primary water treatment, allowing suspended silt to settle out via gravity, and temperature to reach environmental ambiance. The clear wastewater is then pumped through any necessary secondary treatment before permitted discharge, into either the combined sewer system or an appointed discharge point.

pH Corrected Washout Water
Cementitious water is synonymous with high pH (basicity) – water that should never be disposed of without corrective treatment.
This large heavy-duty construction materials company doesn’t leave such matters to chance, so had installed an EnviroHub water treatment system from Atlantic Pumps. This robust and flexible system is programmed to control the quality of discharge water, in line with the site’s discharge consent permit. EnviroHub links to Senteos, a live data recording software also developed by Atlantic Pumps, providing vital compliance data records.
‘Failed inspection’
So, when an inspector from the local wastewater company reported readings nearing pH13 (way above the discharge permit limit) and issued a fine, it was clear something wasn’t right.
Atlantic Pumps, the company behind EnviroHub, knew it was systemically impossible for out-of-pH-spec water to be pumped offsite. Backing up site management with technical specs and independently stored data records, they were soon able to demonstrate that the dewatering activity was indeed compliant. Subsequently, the water company corrected its records and cancelled the erroneous legal proceedings.
On investigating the high pH reading, Atlantic Pumps was able to show that the measurement must have been taken on pre-treated site water. Most likely the inspector had sampled water in the discharge/treatment tank, not realising that the pump only activates if the pH is within discharge consent limits. Always going the extra mile, the Atlantic Pumps site engineer dipped Universal Indicator Strip into the drain water, which revealed a steady pH7-pH8, a good level for combined sewer water.
EnviroHub proved our client couldn’t (parameters are set by Atlantic Pumps, as a third party), and didn’t (online, live data records) discharge water at the pH claimed by the inspector.
How does EnviroHub ensure complete treatment and proof of compliance?
EnviroHub is a modular system, allowing it to be configured to the site’s particular water treatment needs.
In this particular RMX concrete yard dewatering situation, the water is pumped into a pH Correction Tank (CT03). Here, pH probes provide live readings to the Control Module (CM01), which activates CO2 sparging to reduce the pH. The non-compliant water is held here for as long as needed to reach a set pH level (e.g. pH 6.5 to 8.9). When all is in spec, a discharge pump is activated.
Once a batch of treated water is discharged, a fresh batch is pumped in from the wedge pits, and the test-and-treat process begins again.
Through all of this, the live data can be fed to an optional cloud-based, secure platform (Senteos) that allows specified managers on or off-site to monitor quality, quantity, and performance data live, or historically. Having quick access to such data can save a lot of time when dealing with inspections or requests from environmental enforcement agencies.
EnviroHub has again proved itself to save time, money, and reputational damage. Additionally, managers and investors have the assurance of best-practice ESG around site water discharges at Breedon.
Key features of EnviroHub + Senteos
Hands-off automated discharge control. Reduces pressure on staff and management time.
Data records stored securely online, even from remote locations. Empowers managers and shows due diligence and compliance to investors and external parties.
Provides email/SMS text alerts if soft or hard limits are approached, or CO2 supplies are low.
Automatically stops discharge if water is out of spec.
Space saving, modular system. Other treatments and data-lead controls can be added as and when needed, such as TSS reduction, temperature, acid neutralisation, and flow rate.
Efficient in energy and chemical consumption.
This reputable manufacturer is committed to best practices in ESG, at all its sites across GB and Ireland. EnviroHub is one of its chosen tools for protecting both the environment and its own reputation as a leading, responsible, and sustainable construction materials producer.
Find out today what EnviroHub can do for your unique site water/process water treatment needs.