by Bill NoakesHillhead 2016 is finally here!
The biennial three day event gets under way on Tuesday 28th June at Hillhead Quarry, Buxton, Derbyshire and we couldn’t be more excited! Why not come and join us on stand A4?
Hillhead is the biggest exhibition of its kind in the world with more than 17,000 industry visitors from across the quarrying, construction and recycling sectors. Our unique stand has been months in the planning and really will be grabbing people’s attention!
Stand highlights include...
- Pumps from a range of manufacturers including Audex, SlurryPro, Mono and Varisco
- Demonstrations of our new industry-leading tool, The Pump Register - see how it can benefit your business
- Discover our new online shop
- View and request a copy of our new Pump Book
- Pick up a copy of our popular publication, Pumps for the Concrete Industry and the newly-released 2016 Audex catalogue
- View at first-hand an exploded 6x4 Slurrypro pump
- And of course there will be the opportunity to meet with key members of staff to discuss how Atlantic Pumps can help save your company money
Food and refreshments will be available and drinks include a draft pale ale appropriately named… Atlantic!
“We love dealing with people and this makes Hillhead exciting for us as it means we can meet so many of our clients” said Atlantic Pumps Marketing Manager Bill Noakes. “You won’t forget the Atlantic Pumps stand for reasons which will become clear at the show”.
Why not book an appointment with us?
Call 0808 196 4938 to request a day and time or complete our quick enquiry form here.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Recent News
- Applications
- Coal washing
- dewatering
- Dredging
- Dust suppression
- Filter press
- Mine effluents
- Sand processing
- Silt pumping
- Thickener underflow
- Wash plant feeds
- Water treatment
- Brands
- Industries
- Brick & Concrete Block Manufacturing
- Construction
- Large scale manufacturing
- Mining
- Quarrying & Aggregates
- Ready mix concrete
- Recycling
- Sustainable Energy
- Location

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