Case Studies

Introducing EnvirohHub - EnviroHub Case Study

Protection of the environment and the monitoring of discharged water at any quarry or ready mixed concrete site is of key importance.

Allowing too much water to discharge or exceeding agreed pH or turbidity levels isn’t just bad for the environment; it can lead to large fines from the Environment Agency (EA) and affect the reputation of the quarry operator.

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Atlantic Pumps were contacted by a UK quarry, who had previously exceeded levels set out by the EA, and wanted to know how they could monitor the situation accurately so they could protect their surroundings and avoid any fines.

Having listened to their concerns and carried out a full site review, Atlantic Pumps suggested their unique EnviroHub system would be the best solution. This enclosed water monitoring system removes the need for various apparatus to be set up around the quarry, and provides management with far greater and immediate control of water on site.

This system can be accessed by site management anytime and anywhere via a login interface. By viewing live data, they can see whether the quarry was compliant with EA regulations at that moment and historically too – a great benefit to them should the EA’s own findings suggest levels had been breached.

The system is designed to issue email warnings when levels are of concern or have been breached and, if necessary, close valves and switch off pumps to prevent the site going into breach. Furthermore, the system provides site management with a monthly overview of readings showing water activity, flow, pH levels and suspended solids.

EnviroHub was designed to be completely automated and reduce costs by eliminating the need for an external source to come in and monitor readings, or for a site employee to have to continually check readings.

Installation and testing at the quarry proved to be a huge success, with instant feedback now available on any changes the quarry makes to their infrastructure, and full data history being recorded.

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