Innovative Device Launched To Monitor Site Discharge

Start Date: Mid-2016
Atlantic Pump Representatives: Mark McCreadie, Nathan Rowles and Ed Smith
Company: Hanson UK
Address and Telephone: Available on request.
Hanson UK produce aggregates (crushed rock, sand and gravel), ready-mixed concrete, asphalt, cement and cement related materials. They are part of the Heidelberg Cement Group, which is a leading global supplier of aggregates, cement and concrete. They operate around 300 manufacturing sites in the UK and employ over 3,000 people.
A Hanson UK Area Production Manager who works in the concrete side of the company, contacted Atlantic Pumps in the summer of 2016 with regard to a site in the north of England. He was looking for a way to accurately measure recycled water that was being discharged back into an on-site river once the site wedge pit reached capacity.

The site operates under a water discharge consent which sets specific limits on the discharge quantity and rate. Previously this had been measured using a production water equation for the discharge waters. However, the equation does not take into consideration all of the waters collected from the site (rainfall) that might come in to contact with the production process, hence the need to install a more robust monitoring system that can record all waters discharged.
Atlantic Pumps worked with fellow Intrax Global Group members, Audex to develop a solution. Together they developed what is now known as the Audex Discharge Unit.

Measuring 1000mm x 600mm, the stand-alone unit includes a 2” self-priming dirty water pump, Norstron flow meter, thermistor, control panel and double floats which sit near the wedge pit. The unit is easy to operate and can be used in manual or automatic mode and is built into a steel case for security and protection against the weather.
Talking about the recently launched Audex Discharge Unit, Atlantic Pumps Sales Coordinator and concrete industry specialist, Mark McCreadie said “The Audex Discharge Unit is currently on trial at the site and there’s been no problems at all so far. This is Audex at its best, spearheading innovation in the concrete market”